Coached Jan Healthy Habits Challenge
Join for our Kick Off of our January Challenge
Service Description
January is a time when many people decide to make resolutions for the new year. We'd like to offer you something different! In our weekly, healthy habits Bingo, you can play along with others as we try on some healthy practices, designed to be easy to complete and sustainable. You'll also be entered to win a prize each week for achieving BINGO! Choose from the FREE program or receive extra support with our January Coaching program. What each program includes: FREE $0: ~Weekly email and Bingo card ~Entry into prize drawing for achieving Bingo (1x per week) ~Kick off zoom meeting on January 1st at 6:30pm COACHED $49: ~Weekly email and Bingo card ~Entry into prize drawing for achieving Bingo (1x per week) ~Kick off zoom meeting on January 1st at 6:30pm ~Private FB group with support and added resources for success ~Q and A with Coach
Contact Details